Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Rentals America Announces New Las Vegas, Nevada Location

Rentals America is pleased to announce the recent opening of our new office in Las Vegas, Nevada. Founded in 2007, Rentals America offers high-quality property management services for residential rental properties. Our mission is to provide professional excellence and customer service to make life easier for property owners, renters, and real estate agents. The Las …

The Big Debate – Holiday Gifts and Your Tenants

It’s time for the annual debate – should landlords give holiday gifts to their tenants. While some consider it completely unnecessary – this is a business, after all, and gifts are for family and friends, others consider it an essential pillar of good business. They claim it is no different than when a business hosts a customer appreciation day.   There …

The Hard and Soft Skills You Need to Be a Landlord

Being a landlord involves two aspects—the practical business side and the “people“ component. Each plays a vital role in the success of any real estate rental venture. The business aspect requires what are often labeled as “hard“ skills, while the people side uses what are commonly referred to as “soft“ skills. Neither skillset can accomplish the task solo.     So, let‘s tackle the “hard“ skills first, with three crucial must-haves for property management success.    Technical property know-how  While it is unnecessary to be a general contractor, being …